We are inviting students interested in the field to apply as student volunteers (SV). This is an ideal opportunity to attend the conference and to connect with other members of the community. SVs also receive free conference registration as compensation for their work.

Application Instructions

The ITS 2014 - Student Volunteer Enrollment is now open and can be reached at http://chisv.org/its2014/. Regsitration is possible until July 11, 2014. Due to a limited number of available positions the students will be selected by the drawing of lots and will be notified on August 5, 2014.

Participate at the Hoodie Design Contest and win a SV position!

To make our student volunteers noticeable to all visitors at the conference, they wear colourful hoodies identifying them as SVs. This year again we ask students to submit their designs for an ITS 2014 SV hoodie. The creator of the selected hoodie design will get a student volunteer position separate from the usual lottery for SV positions (i.e. if you are accepted as a student volunteer and win the hoodie competition, you can bring another student along).

Send your hoodie design by email to sv@its2014.org until August 22, 2014!

Hoodie design details and information:

  • The fabric should have a noticeable color (e.g. not white or gray) and the design should be clearly visible from across the room
  • You should include the ITS logo (Get it here!). You may draw inspiration from the conference location, Dresden (e.g., culture, activities, skyline, etc).
  • Please convert the text to paths/curves/outlines (or embed the fonts). Do not use color halftones. Use a minimum line width of 1.5pt (or 2pt for reverse print) and font sizes need to be larger than 15pt.
  • Please submit both a PDF and a source (AI or EPS, vector) file.
Good luck with the design contest!

Relevant Dates

  • July 11: Application deadline
  • August 5: Results notification
  • August 22: Hoodie design contest deadline


If you have any questions or problems, please contact the chairs at sv@its2014.org.

Benefits and Duties

If you are an ITS Student Volunteer, you get ...

  • Free conference registration
  • Free hoodie
  • Free lunch
  • A chance to attend a forum for innovations on interactive surfaces.

Student volunteers will be required to help set up and perform needed work during the conference. Duties include: bag stuffing, registration desk, AV assistance, poster and demo setup, badge checking, break monitoring, etc. Volunteers will also need to be available during the conference if tasks come up. SVs usually get to attend most of the sessions, even when working. There will be approximately 18 scheduled hours per SV.

Arriving and Leaving

SVs need to be available to help throughout the conference. You will need to arrive on or before Saturday afternoon (Nov. 15) for the SV orientation and should not leave the hotel until sessions end on Wednesday (Nov. 19). Also, we strongly encourage you to put off leaving until as late as you possibly can, because it's traditional to have a small party for student volunteers on Wednesday evening. The time and place for this party will be announced when we know all the student volunteers' travel plans.

Student Volunteer Chairs

Betty Chang, University of Waterloo
Ulrike Kister, Technische Universität Dresden

✉ sv@its2014.org