We are soliciting proposals for chairing and hosting the ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces conference in 2016 and beyond.

All proposals must include the following information:

  • Intended location for the conference
  • Suggestions for program chair(s) - inc brief bio
  • Suggestions for conference chair(s) - inc brief bio
  • Brief statement of chairs' experience of running conferences
  • Who will edit the proceedings (default = both chairs)?
  • Commitment to publish the proceedings with ACM DL
  • What are the initial planned dates?
  • Which research groups will support the conference?
  • Which sponsors are likely and how will you attract sponsorship?
  • Any direction/theme change you would envisage [default=none]
  • Any new features/tracks you would like to include or other changes you would like to make to the conference [default=none]
  • Brief description (1/2 - 1 page) of conference venue
  • Brief description (1/2 - 1 page) of conference city and region/country
  • Rough idea of likely costs of (estimates only):
  • Approximate registration rates
  • Venue hire
  • Travel costs and rough times from main world cities,
  • A basic decent hotel for 3 nights

For any submissions, questions, or early expressions of interest, please send an e-mail to the following address:

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